Come on in and take a load off. Want some lemonade?

Why a blog? Why my blog? Good questions.

Hubby's wonderful, the children are lots of fun (and work) to have around, and life is full. While not an exhaustive list, I'm primarily a mom, wife, teacher, writer, reader, student, chauffeur, Christian, friend, patriot, gardener, cook, housekeeper, organizer, nurse, counselor, and referee -- but not necessarily in that order. That means life is crazy-busy.

I am constantly searching and learning; a few specific topics are my main areas of interest (health & nutrition, gardening, organics, politics, and history), but I find myself curious about just about everything.

Also, I like to share what I know, what I do, and what I'm learning.

So, "Why a blog?" Well, why not?

Thanks for taking the time to visit with me. Come again.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just found the "My 279 Days" blog!

Welcome to the My 279 Days blog!

Actually, the blog found me. It looks very interesting, and so I used the Share button for Blogger Post to save it and see what using that link would do.

Here goes...

1 comment:

  1. Just figured out how to follow it with Google Reader. Slowly, but surely.
