Come on in and take a load off. Want some lemonade?

Why a blog? Why my blog? Good questions.

Hubby's wonderful, the children are lots of fun (and work) to have around, and life is full. While not an exhaustive list, I'm primarily a mom, wife, teacher, writer, reader, student, chauffeur, Christian, friend, patriot, gardener, cook, housekeeper, organizer, nurse, counselor, and referee -- but not necessarily in that order. That means life is crazy-busy.

I am constantly searching and learning; a few specific topics are my main areas of interest (health & nutrition, gardening, organics, politics, and history), but I find myself curious about just about everything.

Also, I like to share what I know, what I do, and what I'm learning.

So, "Why a blog?" Well, why not?

Thanks for taking the time to visit with me. Come again.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New writing gig with List My Five

I've had a very exciting, yet stressful, past few weeks. I'm learning so much -- literally daily; but the fact that there's so much more that I want and need to learn, and that I feel I need to know it yesterday, sometimes overwhelms and frustrates me.

For today, though, I'm excited to say that I have just published my first article on List My Five. What fun that was! I may already be hooked.

I spent some time this afternoon looking up stats, song lyrics, videos, etc. about and by Michael Jackson. (The songs are still swirling around my head and playing in my ears. Luckily, since I'm sooooo not a dancer, I haven't yet broken out into a moonwalk across the kitchen floor.)

I included much more in the article than was required -- I tend to be wordy -- and I enjoyed every moment of it. I'm looking forward to doing more.

Here it is -- my article about the top five Michael Jackson songs. Let me know what you think.

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